10 Things You Don't Know About Women

Man kan inget annat än att älska denna kvinna. :) Älskar nr 5 och 6.

10 Things You Don't Know About Women
by Lauren Graham

1. You are not the only ones who wish we would stop rambling on about our problems and just make out.

2. We should get paid what you get paid for doing the same job. And you should always pay on the first date.

3. I hate watermelon. And I am not alone in this. I can't explain it.

4. Your scratchy toenails are freaking us out.

5. When we say, "Oh, nothing," ask us what's wrong three more times. After that, you're off the hook. We're just being a headache and you should give up anyway.

6. Put down the BlackBerry. Just for a minute. Make that two.

7. You couldn't look more uncomfortable when you're folding clothes, your own or ours. Even if, as you say, you're really good at it.

8. Whenever we buy you cologne, we always wish we hadn't. It's just that we've run out of gift ideas because you already have so much stuff in your closet.

9. We love it when you pick us up at the airport.

10. At least try to cry in front of us on one genuinely emotional occasion before you start bawling in front of the TV when your team wins or loses the big game. Otherwise, it just feels a little insulting, like, "He cares more about the St. Louis Bumblebees than he does about me." Exceptions can be made for men who cry over the Red Sox. You guys waited a long time.

Postat av: Sabine

snygg blogg!

2008-09-01 @ 15:43:21
BLOGG: http://enibas.blogg.se/
Postat av: Petra

Tack Sabine

2008-09-01 @ 15:56:28
BLOGG: http://thecrapshack.blogg.se/


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